
Source Control

Source Control Solutions:

Source control is at the top of the drainage hierarchy tree and at Stormwater Management we provide a range of solutions to help achieve source control where site conditions allow.

  • HS Pipe – The HS®-Drainage Pipe System provides the user with a complete system which has excellent technical properties and is available from DN/OD 110 to DN/OD 800. Not only do the pipes and fittings make this modern drainage pipe system what it is, but special additional components such as the VARIO coupler, the Demarcation and Control Chamber, a level invert lateral connection, laser & access opening and diverse bends and branches also contribute to the strong performance and diversity of use.


  • Powerslot HS – Powerslot HS® is a high strength slotted pipe system that can be utilised in applications that benefit from minimal cover depths, such as permeable driveways. Typically, in areas trafficked by domestic vehicles, Powerslot HS® requires only 350mm of cover.


  • D-Rainclean – Bio-retention System – gives engineers and designers the option to include source control techniques on sites where previously it might not have been considered. D-Rainclean removes oils, sediment, and dissolved heavy metals allowing direct infiltration.


  • D-Rainclean Filter Media – is an engineered bio-remediation soil for incorporation into a variety of soft or engineered SuDS systems, for new build or retrofit. D-Rainclean Filter Media removes fine sediment particles (sub 63µ), oils and dissolved heavy metals from run-off.


  • Geotextiles – We offer a full range of separation, filtration and membrane protection textiles. Contact us for further information.


Versicell Roofcell

For more information on Source Control Solutions provided by Stormwater Management please contact the sales office on 01455 502222 or email

The HS®-Drainage Pipe System provides the user with a complete system which has excellent technical properties and is available from DN/OD 110 to DN/OD 800. Not only do the pipes and fittings make this modern drainage pipe system what it is, but special additional components such as the VARIO coupler, the Demarcation and Control Chamber, a level invert lateral connection, laser & access opening and
diverse bends and branches also contribute to the strong performance and diversity of use. The pipes are solid wall PVC-U pipes with an increased wall thickness in the colour brown. They are manufactured as plain-ended pipes with chamfered spigots in DN/OD 110 – 315 and as single socket pipes in sizes DN/OD 400 – 800. The pipes are available in lengths of 0.5 m, 1.5 m, 3 m and 5 m. The fittings with a secure FE®-Sealing Ring are able to withstand heavy loads and can be installed at depths of between 0.5 m and 6 m for traffic loads of max, HA 20. The measured ring stiffness amounts to ≥ 12 respectively 16 kN/m². All of the fittings (SDR 34) are manufactured so that they do not form any steps on the interior. The use of the double socketed fittings enables the drainage pipe system to be installed fast and flexibly.


  • Long service life
  • More than 80 years of experience with PVC-U material
  • No corrosion
  • 100 % recyclable
  • High chemical resistance


To download our HS Pipe brochure click here

Powerslot HS® is a high strength slotted pipe system that can be utilised in applications that benefit from minimal cover depths, such as permeable driveways.

Typically, in areas trafficked by domestic vehicles, Powerslot HS® requires only 350mm of cover.

Pipework can be installed at, or close to, formation level
in areas of permeable aggregate, reducing the excavation
depths required to accommodate, for example, BS EN-1401 pipework. This in turn can lead to savings in disposal of arisings, importation of aggregates and costs associated with deeper excavation in the ongoing pipe network.

Powerslot HS® pipework is available in a full range of sizes from DN/OD 110 to DN/OD 630.

D-Rainclean channel system is a 300mm polypropylene channel filled with a unique engineering bio retention filter media that treats runoff from any impermeable surface. Using the processes of separation, adsorption and absorption D Rainclean allows contaminated runoff to be treated to a sufficient quality to allow infiltration back into the ground at the closest point to its generation thereby meeting the first requirement in drainage hierarchy of ‘source control’.

D Rainclean uses a unique engineered filter media containing selected natural minerals with a high cation exchange and filtration capacity to clean surface water as it passes through the filter layers, as such diffuse hydrocarbons, and dissolved copper and zinc (oil particles) are able to degrade.

The D-Rainclean system can drain areas up to 1 hectacre and has been proven to meet the stringent requirements set down by the DIBt.

We offer a full range of Firestone GeoGard EPDM, LLDPE, HDPE, PP, and GCL membranes for a range of stormwater and water applications.

Stormwater Management can supply and install a range of materials for use in the following applications:

Lakes Ponds and Reservoirs

Waste Management

Stormwater Attenuation tanks

Gas Protection


Slurry Lagoons

Ditch lining

Root Barriers


Stormwater Management employs and incredible knowledge bank. Our staff have a vast knowledge of materials, products and applications. Not only can we design your containment system, recommend the correct products regardless of source and install the whole system, we can develop the quality control procedures necessary to ensure your system works from day one.


Correct product selection is only one part of the process. No membrane containment system can be effective without proper installation. Quality control of installation is as important as quality control during production, at Stormwater Management we have extensive experience of the complete installation process and will manage, supervise and install the whole project if required.


Stormwater Management offer a range of geotextiles for separation, filtration and membrane protection that can be used to strengthen and enhance the performance of SuDS structures.