

Stormwater Management Ltd has wide ranging experience in the design, supply and install of surface water and sustainable drainage systems.

Stormwater Management have the expertise to assist engineers and developers to design schemes to take account of ongoing changes to legislation.

Contact us today for further information or advice.

UK Sustainable Drainage Legislation and Guidance

Since the early 2000’s Government and industry has embarked on a programme to address the ongoing issues related to Surface Water Management, changes to the Building Regulations in 2004 plus the introduction of PPS25 and other guidance have ultimately led to the Flood & Water Management Act 2010 (F&WMA 2010).

In particular Schedule 3 of the Act requires the inclusion of Sustainable Drainage Systems. A brief summary of Schedule 3 is:

  • The automatic right to connect is to be removed
  • Local Authorities will have responsibility for surface water management in their area
  • It will be the Local Authorities who will co-ordinate and liaise with other authorities e.g. Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Boards.
  • They will produce Strategic Water Management Plans (SWMP)
  • Local Authorities will have to adopt a wide range of SuDS systems
  • There will be National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems – which will include standards for Stormwater Treatment.

The Non-statutory Technical Standards address the way in which drainage systems:

  • Are designed,
  • Are constructed,
  • Are maintained, and
  • Operate
  • The Standards  – Permit and require approving bodies to form judgments by reference to specified criteria.

Schedule 3 of the Act has not been fully implemented, however in England DEFRA have issued the Non-statutory Technical Standards for SuDS to assist the strengthened planning system. Wales has issued a further consultation which is now closed for comments, their findings are due to be published later in 2015. Scotland have long practiced SuDS as part of the planning process by the use of General Binding Rules (GBR) , Regulatory Methods and Controlled Activities Regulations.

Earlier in 2014 the BSI developed a Code of Practice to assist Local Authority SuDs Approval Bodies and developers in planning and assessing drainage schemes – BS8582 Code of Practice for Surface Water management for development sites.

The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 affects England and Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland have separate legislation through Flood Risk Management Act 2009 and Northern Ireland through The Water Environment (Floods Directive) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 respectively.

CIRIA C697 – The SuDS Manual has long been considered the foremost guidance for Sustainable Drainage. This manual is currently being updated to take account changing methods and technologies and also to accommodate of the provisions within the Flood and Water Management Act. This is due for publication in 2015.

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