SuDS Standards for Wales published
Posted on 6/Jan/2016
The Welsh Government has published it’s Recommended Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in Wales. These have been developed over the last two years, during which they have engaged extensively with stakeholders, and undertaken a public consultation. It appreciates the suggestions and advice that they received – these have been invaluable in producing the guidance.
The SuDS approach to surface water drainage contributes to the realisation of the well-being goals within the framework of the Future Generations (Wales) Act, particularly
- a prosperous Wales
- a resilient Wales
- a healthier Wales
- a Wales of cohesive communities
- a globally responsible Wales
It does this by reducing the volume and flow of water contaminated with sewage that is pumped for treatment, thereby using less energy for pumping and treatment, freeing up capacity in the sewerage network to allow for new developments without the need for installing expensive new infrastructure, and reducing the risk of overflows , flooding and pollution. This cuts the carbon footprint of sewerage undertakers, and reduces the costs of energy, and investment and maintenance in expensive traditional engineering solutions, savings which can be passed on to water bill payers. The more natural SuDS systems such as wetlands, swales and vegetation can provide biodiversity, a more pleasant environment for local people, and encourage them to make use of the green spaces for recreational and sporting purposes.
The next steps will be to work with stakeholders to determine how best take forward the SuDS agenda, as set out in the Water Strategy for Wales. This will include looking considering whether to commence the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (Schedule 3) which requires new developments to include SuDS features that comply with national standards, and provides for their adoption and maintenance, and how to ensure that all SuDS infrastructure is adopted and maintained.
In the meantime these recommended standards will enable designers, property developers, local authorities and other interested parties to both demonstrate that they have taken account of the Welsh Government’s planning advice on Development and Flood Risk and to pilot the standards.
The Guidance can be viewed via this link:
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