
Stormwater Management Raises £3244.24 for Mary Ann Evans Hospice

Posted on 3/Nov/2015


On Friday 30th October we held are annual fundraiser day in support of Mary Ann Evans Hospice. This worthwhile cause is locally based and exists to enhance the quality of life for people who have life limiting illnesses, by offering physical, emotional and social support. This assistance is extended to the families and those caring for them throughout the palliative stages of their disease.

The entire Stormwater Management Limited team took part dressing up in the theme ‘anything yellow’, this saw members dressing up as characters such as; Ali G, Banana man and Ex England goalkeeper David Seaman. Also throughout the day we all took part in games designed to coincide with the overall theme ‘anything yellow’, some of these games included minion bowling and a flower hunt followed by the annual Hansam Group quiz, tombola and raffle.

We were also visited by Jacqueline Leake a representative of Mary Ann Evans who shared an insight of what the money raised would go towards. She also explained life around the Mary Ann Evans campus and how even with life limiting illnesses they still strive to grab every moment out of each day.

Our raffle was once again a huge success thanks to the overall generosity of several local businesses and suppliers. They donated a wide range of products and services which the fundraiser attendees couldn’t wait to get their hands on! Without the generosity exhibited by these businesses and suppliers, we wouldn’t have raised half as much money as we did. Please consider them next time you need a product or service. You can find links to their websites below.

The grand total of this year’s annual fundraiser day comes to a huge £1622.12. However the Stormwater Management Limited Chairman, Chris Foxton has kindly doubled that amount meaning the official total of the day is a whopping £3244.24. All at Stormwater Management Limited are proud to be able to offer this amount to such a beneficial cause. You can find out more about the great work undertaken by the charity and why they do it by visiting


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