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Storm Raises £7,000 for Georgie’s Gift and Adapt

Posted on 31/Oct/2017

On the 27th October 2017 Stormwater Management Ltd held their Annual Fundraiser in aid of Adapt and Georgie’s Gift. We have been raising money and awareness for a different charity close to the hearts of employees for the last 6 years. This year the team just couldn’t decide out of two amazing charities put forward and therefore we decided to support both Georgie’s Gift and Adapt.

Both of these charities are lifechanging. Georgie’s Gift strives to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of Meningitis and Septicaemia, advising families of the correct vaccinations to protect their children, and ultimately helping the local community. Adapt provide support to families with premature and unwell babies on the neonatal units at Leicester Royal Infirmary and Leicester General Hospital. They also provide ongoing care after families have gone home.

The theme for this year’s event was ‘Once Upon a Time’ and was the most successful fundraiser to date. The whole team got involved, dressing up as their favourite fairy-tale characters including; Granny Wolf, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, The Ugly Sisters and even a Pumpkin Carriage.

Throughout the day the team took part in a number of games, quizzes and a mixture of fairy tale themed challenges which incorporated the ‘The Tale of Racherella’, ‘Captain Hooks Wooden Leg’ and ‘Hansam Famous Babyface Quiz’. Our very own Gordon Trehy, Business Development Director, dyed his hair bright pink in honour of the two charities raising £400 in the process.

The day ended with a very special visit from Matt, the founder of Georgie’s Gift, and Sue, a trustee on behalf of Adapt. After some very emotional speeches the team were reminded on how much of a difference the money raised will make, which touched us all.

With the help and support from a number of local businesses, suppliers and all of the Storm team members, the team is excited to announce that we raised a staggering £2,500 on the day which Stormwater Management Ltd Chairman, Chris Foxton kindly doubled to £5,000. Also, £2000 was raised earlier this year during the Wolf Run that many of our team took part in. Therefore, the grand total raised was £7000!gordon hair

We would like to once again thank local businesses, our suppliers and our amazing team for the donations and support for our fundraiser. This help is invaluable in making this day such a success.

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