Fundraiser Day Countdown - 1 Day Left

Fundraiser Day Countdown – 1 Day Left

Posted on 1/Nov/2018

Tomorrow is our annual fundraiser day and the team are beginning to grow in excitement as the day is packed full with challenges and prizes, including the raffle, tombola and themed games with it all being rounded off with the annual ‘Hansam Quiz’!

Although there is plenty of fun and games associated with tomorrow the team are fully aware why we are participating and raising money. Both of this year’s charities; Doorway and Lawrence House provide vital work in the local area and all at The Hansam group are proud to be able to support them. Doorway provide housing advice, support and life skills development to vulnerable homeless young people aged 16-25 in Warwickshire. Doorway offer a range of services to assist and support young homeless people, these services include; an advice service, a support service, a development service and a landlord scheme. On average 9 out 10 young people move on from Doorway services to live successful independent lives.

Lawrence House is a supported accommodation project for homeless young people in the Hinckley & Bosworth area of Leicestershire. They provide accommodation for 12 people between the ages of 16 and 25 of either sex. A key worker system is operated, which offers young people living there the support in all areas of their lives, such as benefits, budgeting, life skills, family relationships and career choices. In addition to this, there is always a member of staff on duty and available to give support and advice or just to listen.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their generous donations to date.

Make sure you check out all our social media channels to see how tomorrows fundraiser day unfolds!

For more information or if you would like to donate please call 01455 502222 or visit –

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