
D-Rainclean® Bio-remediation channel systems for surface water pollution control

Posted on 22/Jul/2019

D-Rainclean® gives engineers and designers the option to include source control techniques on sites where previously it might not have been considered.

Using the process of separation, absorption, adsorption and bio-remediation, D-Rainclean® allows contaminated run-off to be treated to a sufficient quality to allow infiltration back into the ground at the closest point of its generation – meeting key requirements in drainage hierarchy – “source control”.

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Using a unique engineered bio-remediation filter media containing selected natural minerals with a high cation exchange and filtration capacity. D-Rainclean® removes oil, sediment, and dissolved heavy metals as well as FAS and PAH’s. Requiring minimal maintenance, the D-Rainclean® treatment channel system can be used with any impermeable surfacing, allowing direct infiltration to ground. D-Rainclean® meets the 0.8+ mitigation indices requirements of C753 the SuDS Manual. Independently tested, approved and with proved historical test data, D-Rainclean® can also be used where porous paved systems are unsuitable including HGV service yards, heavily accessed commercial car parks together with steep slopes and inclines, whilst D-Rainclean® Filter Media can also be used separately in a variety of SUDS applications.

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