Avoiding construction disasters – survey for CIRIA guidance on SuDS construction

Posted on 5/Jan/2016

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CIRIA would like to capture your or your colleagues’ experience of constructing SuDS. We would like to know problems that you have encountered, how they were resolved and how you avoided further pitfalls.

The outcomes of this survey will feed into CIRIA’s research project on SuDS construction guidance (RP1028) that will improve the construction and ultimately performance of SuDS. This will help us scope and plan the content of this guidance, and the way in which it can effectively be presented to end users. Examples of good practice that you are happy to share with us are always welcome.

The wider uptake of SuDS is dependent on confidence that they can perform as specified and anticipated. A critical factor is that they are constructed correctly. Failures during the construction stage of any project can undermine confidence in future implementation, especially for SuDS.

You have until Friday 22 January 2016 to return your responses. Please pass on to relevant colleagues as well (particularly if they’re contractors).

Survey link can be found here

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